Begin Tuesday, February 4, 2025 | Class Time: 6:00 pm
Celebrate Recovery
Ongoing support program for those wanting to heal hurts, change habits or surrender hang-ups.
On-going / Fusion
Grief Share
Grieving the loss of a loved one can be a painful process. This class offers valuable tools combined with group discussions to support and encourage those traveling the journey through grief.
Charles Lawrence / 13 weeks / Room 101 / Cost: $20
register here
Spring Connection Classes will begin February 5, 2025 | Class Time: 6:00 pm
* Costs for most classes are for purchasing the optional study material affiliated with that class. If you do not wish to purchase a book, you may attend most classes free of charge.
**Financial Peace University has a required fee for taking the course and acquiring the required materials.
The Laws of Love
God created love and marriage. He also created laws to guide and guard the marriage relationship. When God's laws are honored, marriage is the safest relationship on earth, and the love we need is promoted and protected within it. When God's laws are violated, the environment necessary for true and lasting love is diminished or even destroyed. This course will teach you God's laws for love in marriage
Chris & Rochelle Schroeder / 6 weeks
Room C250 / No CostFinancial Peace University
A nine-lesson class that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. The cost for this class will include yearlong access to videos, class materials, budget spreadsheets, and more. This is a fantastic tool that anyone and everyone can benefit from.
David Cook / 8 weeks
Crossroads / *Cost: $50Don't Flirt with
the Dirt
This study addresses real challenges that men face. join us as we explore issues such as pornography, lust, and adultery, as well as addictions to drugs, alcohol, and gambling. We will also talk about the pressures of leading our families and excelling in our jobs. Through it all, we will seek Biblical solutions to help us stay pure and live with integrity.
Roger Shackelford / 6 weeks Room C256 / Men Only / No Cost
Come be inspired by seeing God's loving provisions enable His people to care for others and live a life of righteousness as described in the book of Amos. This study explores how to accept the Lord's invitation to live a life that embraces assurance, faithfulness, humility, justice, prayerfulness, and hope as we stay anchored to the Father in all things
Heidi Cashatt / 7 weeks / Room 132
Women Only / *Cost: $15Take Courage: A Study of Haggai
Do you ever feel like life is a continual punch in the gut? Like no matter where you turn, there seems to be an obstacle in the way of victory in each situation? Join us as we look at the inspirational book of Haggai and learn how to walk confidently in our unique callings, maintain motivation when we're faced with challenges, and boldly dedicate ourselves to following God's divine plans with complete trust in His goodness.
Robyn Carter / 7 weeks / Room 133 Women Only / *Cost: $15
Prayer: Tuning in to God's Desire for Your Life
Are you experiencing satisfaction and oneness with God in your prayers? Or do you feel somewhat guilty and ritualistic about your prayer life and wonder if God is really listening? Want a prayer life that is open and honest, where you see your time with Him as a privilege and a gift? That's what the Almighty Creator wants! Join us in exploring how prayer works and how it can become a vital part of our daily life as you connect with our Father.
John Triplett / 6 weeks / Room C254 No Cost
The Gospel of Grace
As the gospel spread across the Roman world in the first decades after Jesus' earthly ministry, conflict arose. Jews and Gentiles were beginning to believe the gospel, and a struggle over what it meant to be a Christian began. Questions about the meaning of grace and the continual keeping of the Law were being asked just to name a few. In this study on the book of Galatians, we'll examine Paul's defense of the gospel of grace emphasizing justification by faith apart from the law, and the implications this has for Christian freedom and living.
Jacob Bain / 7 weeks / Room 182 A&F
Cost: $15Sanctity of Life:
Part 2
The 2024 election is over and the results are in: the sanctity of all human life is a minority view. Out of the 17 measures voted on by states since June 2022, 14 passed to enshrine elective abortions. As the church, we are called to fight for the marginalized (Prov. 24:11-12; James 1:27); but the killing of innocent babies continues to be a major stronghold in our country (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) despite our efforts. Join us to discuss the sanctity of life and what it means to be salt and light in our community.
Dr. Sudheer Jayaprabhu & Dr. Steven McCain / 6 weeks / Room 182 C&D / No Cost
Successful Stepfamilies
This study and support group provides encouragement and advice for couples walking through the challenges of blending all their children into a new family structure.
Bill and Rhonda King / Room: 172