Global Missions

San Raymundo, Guatemala

Ages: Youth (12+ with a parent)/College/Adults
Specific abilities/gifts: Moderately physically strenuous, medical training is a plus but not a requirement. Spanish is helpful.
Cost: $1200
Next dates: May 31-June 8, 2025

Guatemala is our longest running partnership that started over 25 years ago. This medical mission has served thousands of Guatemalans with life-changing medical services and the life-changing Gospel. Our mobile team goes into small towns and sets up clinics each day. Contact the missions office for an application.

cHiapas, Mexico Men's mission trip

January 2025
Our men will be returning to Chiapas in the winter of 2025. We will be finishing constuction of a new church in rural northern Chiapas. Men and older teenagers (with an adult) are welcome to apply. Contact Mike for more information.

Panama- High school mission trip

June 17-24, 2024
Our student ministry will be leading a group of high school students to Panama this summer!
Contact Rachel in the Fusion office for more information.

International Partners:

International Mission Board:
The IMB has hundreds of opportunities for youth, college students, and adults to serve internationally, on short and long-term assignments.  Our cooperation with the IMB helps us support the 5000+ missionary families around the world.

Other International Partners:

Western Baptist Convention of Cuba

Russell Linscombe- Mexico Outreach, Chiapas, Mexico

Ryan and Amy - South Asia.  

The Anderson Family- Thailand

Michael and Cristi Gerecke- Coimbra, Portugal

 Shannon Hamlett- Southeast Asia (Texas Tech Campus Outreach to International Students)

The Cooke Family- Samaritan Aviation, Papua New Guinea

Agape American-Filipino Mission -Nelson Ayala, Philippines

FAMM Church Planting Network (Nepal)

Ben Lewis and family- Cusco, Peru


Our support of the North American Mission Board is an important way we see the Gospel spread in the United States and Canada.

Samaritan's Purse- (Operation Christmas Child) Annual Shoebox Christmas projects for children around the world.

Metro Colombus (Ohio) Church Planting Network