Begin Tuesday, August 20, 2024 | Class Time: 6:00 pm
Celebrate Recovery
Ongoing support program for those wanting to heal hurts, change habits or surrender hang-ups.
On-going / Fusion
Grief Share
Grieving the loss of a loved one can be a painful process. This class offers valuable tools combined with group discussions to support and encourage those traveling the journey through grief.
Charles Lawrence / 13 weeks / Room 101 / Cost: $20
Divorce Care
The reality of divorce can overwhelm hurting individuals. This group provides support and direction for participants to begin to heal and restore balance in life.
Ron & Barbara Morrow / 13 weeks / Room 132 / Cost: $20 (+ shipping)
Fall Life Classes will begin September 11, 2024 | Class Time: 6:00 pm
*Any costs for these classes are for purchasing the books being studied. You are welcome to pre-purchase your book and pick it up in the Gym during the Wednesday Evening Meal time the two weeks before and following the start of our Fall Life Classes. If you do not wish to purchase a book, attending any class is free.
Love-powered Parenting
There is no more important responsibility in life than that of being a parent. Our communities, our churches, and our cultures are always only one generation away from destruction. If parents do not pass on the wisdom and character lessons of previous generations, we fail to leave the legacy God repeatedly commands us to leave with our children. God commands us in Deuteronomy 6:5-7, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Chris & Rochelle Schroeder / 6 weeks
Room C250 / No CostLife's Healing Choices
Happiness and healing are ours for the choosing. As we navigate through life, we have all experienced hurt. We have been hurt by other people, we have hurt others, we have hurt ourselves. As a result, every single one of us ends up with a hurt, hang-up, or habit. But the question we all face is, where do we go from here? Join us as we dive into God's Word and find the peace we have all been searching for.
Jeni Eldridge & Randy Meadows /10 weeks Room 132 / *Cost: $10
Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World
Whether you're already familiar with "Evidence" or are part of a new generation of believers, this study encourages you to embrace the truth of Christ amidst a skeptical culture. Together, we'll explore tough questions and confront doubts head-on, empowered by the evidence presented in this invaluable resource.
Nathan Thomas / 7 weeks Room C254 / *Cost $10
Come be inspired by seeing God's loving provisions enable His people to care for others and live a life of righteousness as described in the book of Amos. This study explores how to accept the Lord's invitation to live a life that embraces assurance, faithfulness, humility, justice, prayerfulness, and hope as we stay anchored to the Father in all things
Heidi Cashatt / 8 weeks / Crossroads
Women Only / *Cost: $15Take Courage: A Study of Haggai
Do you ever feel like life is a continual punch in the gut? Like no matter where you turn, there seems to be an obstacle in the way of victory in each situation? Join us as we look at the inspirational book of Haggai and learn how to walk confidently in our unique callings, maintain motivation when we're faced with challenges, and boldly dedicate ourselves to following God's divine plans with complete trust in His goodness.
Robyn Carter / 7 weeks / Room 133 Women Only / *Cost: $15
Discover your unique SHAPE....Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences and how God can use it to do His will in and through your life.
John & Robbie Triplett / 6 weeks / Room 182A / No Cost
Learning God's Character through Biblical Stories
A class for the deaf and hard of hearing that focuses on getting back to the basic stories of the Bible and how they reveal God's Character.
Beverly Moss / 6 weeks / Room 101
No CostSanctity of Life
Do you have questions about the sanctity of life issues? Join us over the course of six weeks to understand what the sanctity of life is from a Biblical perspective, how to think about it, and how to defend it. We will demonstrate Biblical, biological, medical, and political truths to equip you to lovingly witness to others.
Dr. Sudheer Jayaprabhu & Dr. Steven McCain / 6 weeks / Room 182 C&D / No Cost
Successful Stepfamilies
This study and support group provides encouragement and advice for couples walking through the challenges of blending all their children into a new family structure.
Bill and Rhonda King / Room: 172