God is at work at fbc texarkana as we strive to love god, love people, and share the truth of jesus Christ. If you come to worship with us, our prayer is that you will sense the lord's presence in a powerful way and be touched by his love--as you witness it firsthand through his people!
How do I get to the church?
Where do I park?
Several parking lots surround our campus. You can find them at the East Foyer, Central Foyer, West Foyer, Children's Building, Atrium, Gym, and Fusion Student Ministry entrances. Golf cart shuttles are available on Sunday mornings to pick you up at your car and drop you off at your desired entrance. As you enter, you are met by a First Impressions greeter who can help you find a Sunday School Class or the Worship Center for the morning worship service. See the map to select the best area to park to access your desired area of our facility.

EAST FOYER (faces the intersection of Moores lane and Cowhorn Creek) - Our Church Offices and an information desk are located here. Inside the East Foyer, you can take a right into the Worship Centeror go straight to access the Atrium or various classrooms.
CENTRAL FOYER (faces Moores Lane, globe memorial out front) - This entrance leads you directly into the Worship Center.
WEST FOYER (between the Central Foyer and The Ark Children's Building Entrance) - When you enter the West Foyer, you can take a left and go directly to the Worship Center or take a right and find Room 182 and other classroom locations.
THE ARK CHILDREN'S BUILDING ENTRANCE (located at the back of our facility, you can't miss the ark and animals!) - Preschool classrooms are located on the first floor of this building. This area is secure and is only accessible by preschoolers and their parents. There is no access to the second floor from this entrance.
ATRIUM (faces the sand volleyball court and baseball field) - Wednesday night services are held in the Atrium. Many people park in this lot on Sundays to access either the Children's Building or various classrooms inside the Atrium entrance.
GYM ENTRANCE (faces Cowhorn Creek) - The Crossroads Singles Ministry is located outside this entrance. Inside the Gym entrance, you will find classrooms to your right and the gym to your left. The Student Ministry can also be accessed from this entrance.
FUSION HIGH SCHOOL AND T4 MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRIES (faces Moores Lane) - Adjacent to the East Foyer, this entrance leads you directly to the Fusion Student Ministry and T4 Middle School worship area, classrooms and the Student Ministry Offices.
Where do my kids go on Sunday Mornings?
Our Preschool and Children's Ministries are designed to provide a safe, secure, and loving place for your children while you enjoy your 9:15 a.m. Sunday School class. At the front desk or Ark Entrance of our Children's Building, a greeter can help you find the age-appropriate class for your child. Our teachers strive to teach preschoolers and children about Jesus while incorporating fun games and crafts into the lessons. Classes for infants through kindergarteners are located on the first floor, while classes for children in grades 1 - 5 are located on the second floor.
Every Sunday, we have loving church members who give their time to stay with your child while you enjoy the Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. These Volunteers in Preschool (VIP) trade places with the Bible study teacher and remain with your child during the worship hour to play games and create crafts with them.
After Bible study, school-age children are welcome to join us upstairs in Kids U for Kids Worship. We meet every Sunday EXCEPT for the last Sunday of every month. The children's worship service is very similar to the adult worship service but tailored to help kids learn about every aspect of true worship.
What are the worship services like?
We don't define our worship service by its musical or message styles as much as we do by the attitudes of our own hearts. When the service begins at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday, you'll notice a distinct, heart-warming focus on worshipping the one true God. Our musicians and choir lead the congregation with excellence in a beautifully-blended time of singing and praise, some of it more contemporary and some of it more traditional, but all of it sacred. Our messages don't use Scripture as a springboard into a topical speech, rather they begin, remain, and end with the truth of God's Word - the Bible.
At First Baptist Texarkana most people wear business-casual attire but we want you to feel comfortable and come as you are. God sees our heart, and that's waht He cares about; it's not about the style of clothing we choose.
When is the church open during the week?
Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Can I meet a pastor?
Certainly! They are looking forward to it! At the conclusion of the service, after the invitation, our pastors are at the front of the stage and would love the opportunity to meet you and answer any questions you might have. If you are a first-time guest, we have a gift bag for you to take as you exit the East, West or Central Foyers with our thanks for joining us!